I Want To Thank Moomoo For Honoring Me With Being Placed On The Recommended User List. I'm Just Another Moo, But Have Been Around The Block A Couple Of Times, So I Guess It's Appropriate For Me To Be In A Place Where I Can Seriously Help Newcomers Coming Into The Market. Here's What They Sent Me Today. Thanks To Moomoo FUTU For Having Such A Great Social Environment, Better Than Others In The Business. And Thanks To All The Moomoo'rs For Believing In The Programs Of Helping Others Attempt To Get Success Of Some Kind In The Market. Go Moomoo, Go FUTU!
HEY, OldNormanBates!
We notice that you've produced some high-quality original posts, which are liked by other mooers. We would like to recognize your contribution by adding you to the Moomoo Recommendation Users List.
That means, your account will be recommended to new mooers, so you might receive a lot of new followers recently. Congratulations!
Since your posts will likely gain more exposure, it would be fantastic to continue seeing your excellent work in the future.
Please feel free to write me back if you have any concerns or questions. Thanks for being an active participant in moomoo community! :)
28139432 : so sweet
treydongui : excellent decision. great people. win win. congrats sir
Machiavellis3rdEye : They picked a good Human.