APE Dave :
一路升上 : How long have you been waiting?
dogoodeveryday OP APE Dave : Why our cost is -xxx ?
APE Dave dogoodeveryday OP : buy sell buy sell buy sell...
starryy APE Dave : Wow. .
APE Dave starryy : lose chicken.. make chicken wing. I very interested in your stock leh... current price very cheap. maybe i join you soon.
starryy : You still lucky. Lose chicken but still left chicken wings. I lose chicken now left ChiCken bone Liao.
APE Dave :
一路升上 : How long have you been waiting?
dogoodeveryday OP APE Dave : Why our cost is -xxx ?
APE Dave dogoodeveryday OP : buy sell buy sell buy sell...
starryy APE Dave : Wow.
APE Dave starryy : lose chicken.. make chicken wing.

I very interested in your stock leh... current price very cheap. maybe i join you soon.
starryy : You still lucky. Lose chicken but still left chicken wings. I lose chicken now left ChiCken bone