The reverse split was announced on Friday. 8 shares will become 1 share at the same monetary value.
I.e if you had 8 shares that are $12 each. it will become $96 for 1 share post RS. (actual value is 12.95 per share but I rounded down for fast calc for this post)
You can’t own fraction of a share. Any fraction will be returned in the cash value.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
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based on $12 1:8 ratio calculation. if I own 20 shares previously. it will become 2 shares worth $192. The 4 "OLD" shares worth $48 should return to me right?
Starbuy : based on $12 1:8 ratio calculation. if I own 20 shares previously. it will become 2 shares worth $192. The 4 "OLD" shares worth $48 should return to me right?
iamgnez OP Starbuy : By right. Yes.