SWadhwa : No.
Eggplant Berry : nope its missing
BeBlessed : it will be credited to account t+3 if you hold <8 shares
Slim APP BeBlessed : If below 8 shares what will happen?
BeBlessed Slim APP : Futu will convert it to cash and credit into your account
BeBlessed : In short, the GE shares are being sold off automatically if you hold less than 8 shares. Any moo-mooians, pls correct me if I'm wrong :)
投资小子4896 : no.. understand that there company exercise to consolidate 8 share to 1.. for those without 8 share... i guess it force sell off . Not sure will it refund or not... waiting ...
Ah Ling : Mine disappeared too
huathuatyes 101833610 : how abt my pending stock. will still give me?
okanemochi BeBlessed : But not yet?
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SWadhwa : No.
Eggplant Berry : nope its missing
BeBlessed : it will be credited to account t+3 if you hold <8 shares
Slim APP BeBlessed : If below 8 shares what will happen?
BeBlessed Slim APP : Futu will convert it to cash and credit into your account
BeBlessed : In short, the GE shares are being sold off automatically if you hold less than 8 shares.
Any moo-mooians, pls correct me if I'm wrong :)
投资小子4896 : no.. understand that there company exercise to consolidate 8 share to 1.. for those without 8 share... i guess it force sell off . Not sure will it refund or not... waiting ...
Ah Ling : Mine disappeared too
huathuatyes 101833610 : how abt my pending stock. will still give me?
okanemochi BeBlessed : But not yet?
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