kingkong09 : Plan for boat 28.5 but failed
TradingRoulette OP kingkong09 : Concrete floor cannot be broken.
FakeJimmy : yawns.. might be a trap... go up abit then make paper hand to buy.. then they short it down
FakeJimmy TradingRoulette OP : to trigger panic sell
TradingRoulette OP FakeJimmy : It would be stupid of HF to short it at this price. But oh well.
kingkong09 : Plan for boat 28.5 but failed
TradingRoulette OP kingkong09 : Concrete floor cannot be broken.
FakeJimmy : yawns.. might be a trap... go up abit then make paper hand to buy.. then they short it down
FakeJimmy TradingRoulette OP : to trigger panic sell
TradingRoulette OP FakeJimmy : It would be stupid of HF to short it at this price. But oh well.