KL O_O : Normally Fridays like that.
HuatKorKor : Buy the dips
StockPotential OP KL O_O : Hope so... hovering at 8 plus for some time, next level would be 10 plus? look forward positively
KL O_O StockPotential OP : Doesn't seems so in short term , with recent Chinese companies crackdown. In long term, yes.
KL O_O : Normally Fridays like that.
HuatKorKor : Buy the dips
StockPotential OP KL O_O : Hope so... hovering at 8 plus for some time, next level would be 10 plus? look forward positively
KL O_O StockPotential OP : Doesn't seems so in short term , with recent Chinese companies crackdown. In long term, yes.