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moomoo friends deposits

I had two friends last Friday and Saturday put 100$ into moomoo that were my referrals for the apple share. on one it shows it's still pending and this is day 6 and the other guy works all the time so I haven't been able to ask him. it doesn't show you what's up with anything besides you have invited them, moomoo staff won't tell me anything, day 5-6 deposits is insane considering I get max 2 days from everyone else. I really feel like they are just trying to screw me out of my share of apple. I got together the whole thing so they should have a system to notify me status at least. does customer service even know the status? time just going to tick down where it's to late to get my share cause communication sucks? I'm really losing my wits end with this company to be honest. not sure what to do at this point but wait for the end of the day I guess which is really sad. any suggestions?
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