This portfolio hasn't been modified since 5/20.
As you can see the portfolio is missing key players like
$Bitfarms (BITF.US)$,
$Hut 8 (HUT.US)$, etc. I never updated this intentionally. It's meant to track my primary group of traded tickers just to prove a point.
This portfolio bested the S&P almost 3 times over.
My education and background is in engineering. When I was presented with the numerical disadvantages of predicting the entire market I searched for a solution.
I needed to increase my PROBABILITY on the shorter time frames. (day trading)
The best method I have found to do this is to increase my probability on the longer time frames and work backwards from there.
What that means is I first looked at this from the perspective of a position trader and made a list of tickers I would buy and hold. Then I look that SAME list and looked at it on shorter swing time scales. (year, 6mon, quarter, 8wk and so on) The same list got filtered over and over until I had less than 100 total tickers out of the 9k+ possibilities.
If you go back and check these are the same tickers I literally LISTED at the beginning of the year as what I planned on trading.
Other than momentum trades I'm day trading from pre established lists. I'm day trading tickers the are up triple digits on the 52 with high beta. How much better can you make your probability on the short term than to have EVERY OTHER TIME FRAME give you a green light???
How do you narrow it down? This is dangerously simple :
Go for a walk. Imagine the world x time from now. Picture how it will be, objectively, not how you want it.
Go find tickers that match the vision.
I did this before and found crypto, NFTs and renewable energy.
During covid we found masks and logistics.
One of the other screenshots is just my Friday scalps from the
$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ plays outlined in the Sunday watch list and presented again in the daily scalp lists.
Same tickers 🙏
102938103 :
lazycat666 : Full screen digital currency![undefined [undefined]](
Krel : I must say that your method is making good sense. I will I can know how to filter properly.