San 8723 : After the right issue, the shares will be average to $0.08. So no big different whether you buy the issue or shares.
MCKB San 8723 : It is better to sell now and buy again later if you still believe in the company
San 8723 MCKB : Ya, if keep dropping, better sell Now and buy back bEfore EGM.
MCKB San 8723 : Provided they don’t issue rights again in 2022. They may need money for merger.
San 8723 MCKB : Do think it will drop till 0.08? Ya, this one is second right issUe already. So no more chances I think.
MCKB San 8723 : I think so
San 8723 MCKB : But if drop to 0.08, the right issue make no meaning already. As the issue mean for shareholder can get Discounted Price for the SharEs. A bit complicated. Haha
MCKB San 8723 : Exactly what happened to the last round.
San 8723 : After the right issue, the shares will be average to $0.08. So no big different whether you buy the issue or shares.
MCKB San 8723 : It is better to sell now and buy again later if you still believe in the company
San 8723 MCKB : Ya, if keep dropping, better sell Now and buy back bEfore EGM.
MCKB San 8723 : Provided they don’t issue rights again in 2022. They may need money for merger.
San 8723 MCKB : Do think it will drop till 0.08? Ya, this one is second right issUe already. So no more chances I think.
MCKB San 8723 : I think so
San 8723 MCKB : But if drop to 0.08, the right issue make no meaning already. As the issue mean for shareholder can get Discounted Price for the SharEs. A bit complicated. Haha
MCKB San 8723 : Exactly what happened to the last round.