cheesecakemiumiu4444 : Already reached Jupiter
福建烤地鼠 OP cheesecakemiumiu4444 : Will Pluto be the next stop?
102329055 : Let's fly! Let's fly!!!
Prettyhair cheesecakemiumiu4444 :
Wonderful Day Mooooo : Now is fly to Sun.
福建烤地鼠 OP Wonderful Day Mooooo : GG, wait for it back
cheesecakemiumiu4444 : Already reached Jupiter
福建烤地鼠 OP cheesecakemiumiu4444 : Will Pluto be the next stop?
102329055 : Let's fly! Let's fly!!!
Prettyhair cheesecakemiumiu4444 :
Wonderful Day Mooooo : Now is fly to Sun.
福建烤地鼠 OP Wonderful Day Mooooo : GG, wait for it back