Mcsnacks H Tupack
How about putting AMC Officers and CEO under a microscope? You have to file what resembles a FISA request to get the information they are hiding with their attorneys. It’s public info but they are only releasing it to people who send in a request then you will get it back in 6-12 weeks. Their filings have went from around 50-60pages to 30-40,000 from amendments and changing past agreements.
OPMcsnacks H Tupack
What does that have to do with Grading the whole stock maRket you sound like a lil bissh I remember you from awhile ago shut you trap with your freaking Negative shit man
Mcsnacks H Tupack
Because a company that rises from nearly certain doom has an increase of filings they need to put under the microscope for illegal activity? I would think that with all the new money it is necessary to change and overhaul a lot. I think you are stressing about nothing.
Mcsnacks H Tupack
If you want to police fraud then you need to start with the companies that are allowing it. Like AMC. You disgrace the number 727. It means learning and knowledge. Ohhh but you are using it ironically. I get it.
WestCoast OP : It’s coming for you guys #mayo
要HoDL : naked short, yeah!
Ryan Face WestCoast OP : LOL!
Bull Run : Talk easy, who will implement it, SEC till now no action.
Mcsnacks H Tupack : How about putting AMC Officers and CEO under a microscope? You have to file what resembles a FISA request to get the information they are hiding with their attorneys. It’s public info but they are only releasing it to people who send in a request then you will get it back in 6-12 weeks. Their filings have went from around 50-60pages to 30-40,000 from amendments and changing past agreements.
WestCoast OP Mcsnacks H Tupack : What does that have to do with Grading the whole stock maRket you sound like a lil bissh I remember you from awhile ago shut you trap with your freaking Negative shit man
WestCoast OP WestCoast OP : Frauding *
WestCoast OP : Change your name you are disgrace to to even Use Tupac’s name
GOOBERHAG Mcsnacks H Tupack : Because a company that rises from nearly certain doom has an increase of filings they need to put under the microscope for illegal activity? I would think that with all the new money it is necessary to change and overhaul a lot. I think you are stressing about nothing.
Mcsnacks H Tupack WestCoast OP : If you want to police fraud then you need to start with the companies that are allowing it. Like AMC. You disgrace the number 727. It means learning and knowledge. Ohhh but you are using it ironically. I get it.
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