BoJiden : what is CB ?
DIcKY- BoJiden : CB mean drop to Indian Ocean. Lol
ENZ07K : The person who just dropped the bomb Haha
DIcKY- ENZ07K : Haha.. make me lose 20% damn
ENZ07K DIcKY- : We are on the same boaT. Always happen this wAy. What to do
DIcKY- ENZ07K : Haiz
ENZ07K DIcKY- : Just don’t be greedy and risk management
DIcKY- ENZ07K : Agreed
DIcKY- ENZ07K : Just hold ba..
Isabella 77 : Diamond hand should being a winner
BoJiden : what is CB ?
DIcKY- BoJiden : CB mean drop to Indian Ocean. Lol
ENZ07K : The person who just dropped the bomb Haha
DIcKY- ENZ07K : Haha.. make me lose 20% damn
ENZ07K DIcKY- : We are on the same boaT. Always happen this wAy. What to do
DIcKY- ENZ07K : Haiz
ENZ07K DIcKY- : Just don’t be greedy and risk management
DIcKY- ENZ07K : Agreed
DIcKY- ENZ07K : Just hold ba..
Isabella 77 : Diamond hand should being a winner