Nothing warrant 100%, each platform having slight differ information , matter is your own dyodd. Play for funs... Enjoy the small earning for speculate while fundamentalist for capital and other gains on long term. In short, when market collapsed, you wont expect any alert! When it on string rise neither you get early information since 50% trustable source include what you get here.
divinepapa : Same thought here... Eyes on
老Uncle : weeeeeeeeeee
divinepapa : Next support line 10.82.
MAH10 divinepapa : we like to learn more how do you derive the support and resistance value? thank s
divinepapa MAH10 : Buy the package... Level 3 and above or refinitiv. They are the CFA do the job, we pay to get data.
MAH10 divinepapa : arh i see thanks
jeannie72 : good counter
divinepapa MAH10 : Nothing warrant 100%, each platform having slight differ information , matter is your own dyodd. Play for funs... Enjoy the small earning for speculate while fundamentalist for capital and other gains on long term. In short, when market collapsed, you wont expect any alert! When it on string rise neither you get early information since 50% trustable source include what you get here.
MAH10 divinepapa : understand thanks