divinepapa : Next year this month, likely making money.
DSar OP divinepapa : But.. Its 1yr time... So meanwhile, do what?? Keep ah
divinepapa DSar OP : Is a game... Sell at loss, pick low and hold if the trend go north. Should for better putlook log for options if perceived going bad. Else, keep it for good. Usual cut loss/take win if above my down or up line
divinepapa : Next year this month, likely making money.
DSar OP divinepapa : But.. Its 1yr time... So meanwhile, do what?? Keep ah
divinepapa DSar OP : Is a game... Sell at loss, pick low and hold if the trend go north. Should for better putlook log for options if perceived going bad. Else, keep it for good. Usual cut loss/take win if above my down or up line