huEYc : Seem like still dropping, but from the graph should be bottom already
JaketheVender huEYc : Will it rise soon?
huEYc JaketheVender : Hold for long term
oatcafelatte OP huEYc : probably see how things go when mkt opens. this price looks good if it could hit 10 again
huEYc oatcafelatte OP : Buy now sell at 10 also not bad
huEYc : Seem like still dropping, but from the graph should be bottom already
JaketheVender huEYc : Will it rise soon?
huEYc JaketheVender : Hold for long term
oatcafelatte OP huEYc : probably see how things go when mkt opens. this price looks good if it could hit 10 again
huEYc oatcafelatte OP : Buy now sell at 10 also not bad