hint: it's called geometric mean, and the sample size here is what 100? the whole idea is that we don't need all apes to hold til 100k to make a shit load of money.
and we don't need paper handed little bitches like you around either cos we own the float twice over lol
oh ok just entirely sidestep my point about 100k as geometric mean, which means total cash required would not in anyway require 45T.
but I will entertain your shill ass anyway. the order of liquidation will be first hedgefunds, then market makers then prime brokers then DTCC. Which is rumored to have an insurance of 70 trillion dollars. we will have multiple parties coughing up cash during margin call.
of all things you are concerned about the price floor lol. do u even understand what is a short squeeze? prices are dictated by shareholders because shorts MUST buy to cover. the only way it won't reach 100k is enough ppl sell and shorts covering enough before it hits 100k.
so u worry about ur self, while we collect our cash once these hedgies get margin called. and oh boy the dam is starting to crack.
WestCoast : Moon moneys
HODL TIL THEY FOLD OP WestCoast : many ppl agree too. I'm relieved.
Titanium_Phalanges : We been put through to much for anything less than 100k per share. Bleed em!!
StonkStock : Pay for months of mental health
HODL TIL THEY FOLD OP GeaRbOx : hint: it's called geometric mean, and the sample size here is what 100? the whole idea is that we don't need all apes to hold til 100k to make a shit load of money.
and we don't need paper handed little bitches like you around either cos we own the float twice over lol
GeaRbOx : Honest question. What's 450 million shares times 100k dollars?
a mere 45 TRILLION. "only" 34% of all the wealth in the US.
Seems legit. lol
HODL TIL THEY FOLD OP GeaRbOx : oh ok just entirely sidestep my point about 100k as geometric mean, which means total cash required would not in anyway require 45T.
but I will entertain your shill ass anyway. the order of liquidation will be first hedgefunds, then market makers then prime brokers then DTCC. Which is rumored to have an insurance of 70 trillion dollars. we will have multiple parties coughing up cash during margin call.
of all things you are concerned about the price floor lol. do u even understand what is a short squeeze? prices are dictated by shareholders because shorts MUST buy to cover. the only way it won't reach 100k is enough ppl sell and shorts covering enough before it hits 100k.
so u worry about ur self, while we collect our cash once these hedgies get margin called. and oh boy the dam is starting to crack.
GeaRbOx HODL TIL THEY FOLD OP : I'm sorry did you say they're RUMORED to have insurance of 70 trillion?
I'm just trying to find out the FACTS and I'm not interested in all your FEELINGS and emotional reasoning.
GeaRbOx HODL TIL THEY FOLD OP : I can tell by your emotional reaction and your need to insult that you know you don't have the facts on your side.
I have my answer.
GeaRbOx HODL TIL THEY FOLD OP : yeah, it is whatever I say. cuz I'm spitting facts.
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