$SIA (C6L.SG)$ Get a cup of coffee and enjoy the day. Go bac...
$SIA (C6L.SG)$ Get a cup of coffee and enjoy the day. Go back to your work or classes.
Stop looking at SIA if you are not investing for quick cash. There are lot of quick cash stocks out there .
Set a rise alert +10 to +15% then forget about it. Don't let SIA spoil the mood. It going to fluctuate non-stop till the whole world open up..
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
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little cabbage : just wait
102355763 : SGX is boring. Every day hardly any movements. Try US market for the excitement
Stock Watch OP 102355763 : You are right. But risk also much higher.
101693270 102355763 : AMC entertainment. HAHAHA
Stock Watch OP 101693270 : Good buy...
How many people buying AMC are still in the loss? I think a lot . . It fluctuate every single second. A lot them have seen it moves from 38 to 60. but still refused to take profit cos everyone in the app keep saying flying to the moon... 100 , 120 and go on. Now ? In the range of 30 to 37. When I read the comments in the app for US stocks, I laughed. Cos hodi and fly to the moon will not make the price up..
How many now are standing at the sea side looking into the sea for their moon. LOL
Stock Watch OP 101693270 : by the way I exited AMC at 40
102355763 : Why suddenly mentioned AMC here? The price moved between 30 and 37 these two weeks, held quite stable by the apes. I have been buying n selling 200 shares each time. Profit is good each time when the price moved 1-2USD up.
Stock Watch OP : For the US excitement
Stock Watch OP 102355763 : this is the way. . Repeat the in and out .