MadGuineaPig : it hurts. I know. but its only down a little this morning. soon we should see it continue to climb. thats my belief.
ice song OP MadGuineaPig : Thank you for giving me confidence
dogoodeveryday : At least we are at the bottom Now only way is
ice song OP : Hope no more
dogoodeveryday : No pain no gain, go for it
GoodstockHunter : I am wait for 1
MadGuineaPig : it hurts. I know. but its only down a little this morning. soon we should see it continue to climb. thats my belief.
ice song OP MadGuineaPig : Thank you for giving me confidence
dogoodeveryday : At least we are at the bottom Now only way is
ice song OP : Hope no more
dogoodeveryday : No pain no gain, go for it
GoodstockHunter : I am wait for 1