Moomoo Lily : Dear Client: “Trading Accounts” on the “Me” tab is now offline. Please tap the “Trade” tab for relevant functions.
Newinvestor OP Moomoo Lily : when will it be online? am i right there is no way to do currency conversion at this moment?
jitter : unable to deposit money also...
Newinvestor OP Rajesh2331 : that shows basic info. you can do currency conversion from there
Rajesh2331 Newinvestor OP : true..
102528400 Moomoo Lily : Offline? Will it back to normal? I still prefer the old setting
Dadacai : You can go to Trade > Brokerage account or Quotes > Today’s P&L.
BeckyBoo : true hh
Moomoo Lily : Dear Client: “Trading Accounts” on the “Me” tab is now offline. Please tap the “Trade” tab for relevant functions.
Newinvestor OP Moomoo Lily : when will it be online? am i right there is no way to do currency conversion at this moment?
jitter : unable to deposit money also...
Newinvestor OP Rajesh2331 : that shows basic info. you can do currency conversion from there
Rajesh2331 Newinvestor OP : true..
102528400 Moomoo Lily : Offline? Will it back to normal? I still prefer the old setting
Dadacai : You can go to Trade > Brokerage account or Quotes > Today’s P&L.
BeckyBoo : true hh