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Are people noticing things are getting worse not better?

Many prominent banks slashing their GDP forecasts for the current and future quarters, most notably Goldman which took a machete to its 8.5% Q3 GDP forecast and now sees just 5.5% even as it warns of a stagflationary burst of even higher inflation. Consumer spending has declined 3% in just the past few weeks.
US consumers are reverting to their pre-covid spending patterns, albeit in a time when prices are exploding, and it is only a matter of time before we enter the "trapdoor" plunge phase once all accumulated purchasing power disappears. A slowdown across virtually all leisure sectors, from airlines to lodging and entertainment, although one can see that spending on durable goods is also starting to take on water.
One can't help but dread what happens to the US economy - and society - when one day the stimmies, the universal basic income, the emergency benefits and so on, finally come to an end.
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  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : Today’s ruling system is called Babylon because of its centralized rule, its financial powers, and its religious/philosophic chaos and confusion (“babble”).This description, you may realize by now, applies perfectly to the religious and political systems of men today. Thus, we can say that the kingdoms of the world today are shaped in the pattern of “Babylon.” As such, Babylon the Great reigns over (occupies) the minds of men who believe in its power. These mental delusions then create physical systems (Beast Systems) ... portrayed symbolically in Revelation chapters 12, 13 & 17. Two systems coexist at the same time. Its all in the minds of men.  1. God’s system, and 2. man’s system. God’s system is truth and freedom; man’s system is deception, confusion and captivity. One benefits mankind, the other benefits the richest 1% of elite bankers and politicians. The Bible calls one system “New Jerusalem” (The Kingship of Christ) and the other is called “Babylon” (the Kingship of Men).New Jerusalem cannot be mentally perceived by those who are spiritually dead and captured by the Beast System.To be spiritually captured by the Beast System is to have your faith invested into that system ... to believe in it. Those who’s faith is in man’s system cannot see New Jerusalem. This is according to our Lord’s own words in the book of John, chapter 3, verse 3:3. just google: "the Babylon Matrix pdf"

  • masktrader : Did u see they are buying gold now

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP masktrader : Yea and lots of bitcoin. Could be getting ready to crash the dollar sooner than they planned

  • masktrader : PLTR GOT 50mil of gold 2 days ago I think

  • masktrader : But when Bitcoin hit there new high of 65 to 87 it will go back to 10000

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP masktrader : Nah. Coinbase bought half a billion dollars. And banks bought 3 billion this month.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP masktrader : Russia bought 3 tons of gold Friday.

  • chavi Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : Thank you for this comment - for a long time I had been looking for someone who can see the current financial systems in this with the light shining from the Word…

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP chavi : It’s why I took myself out of mans system or the Beast system. I have no dependence upon it, and when I did this I was finally able to see the light. But to see the light,  you must first see the darkest places. Once I was blind but now I can see.

  • chavi Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : Please show me The way…so that I too can see And light the way in the darkness for us who can’t [undefined]

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