divinepapa : Core business sold, future in jeopardy unless new core money maker business in place.
Flabulousity : they’ve just had a change of CEO. And with any companies dealing with green investments, and related services, you just have to hold it out.
Public Holiday Chan OP Flabulousity : Bro, how can I find the Sunpower news?
Flabulousity Public Holiday Chan OP : http://sunpower.listedcompany.com/
Public Holiday Chan OP Flabulousity : thks
divinepapa : Core business sold, future in jeopardy unless new core money maker business in place.
Flabulousity : they’ve just had a change of CEO. And with any companies dealing with green investments, and related services, you just have to hold it out.
Public Holiday Chan OP Flabulousity : Bro, how can I find the Sunpower news?
Flabulousity Public Holiday Chan OP : http://sunpower.listedcompany.com/
Public Holiday Chan OP Flabulousity : thks