101551769 : I am prepared to lose all my money.
让子弹飞(SG) 101551769 : Don't worry tonight will end in green
Alexis Team_AI OP 101551769 : Diamond hand style. I like
Alexis Team_AI OP 让子弹飞(SG) : Where did your confidence come from... But I like it
专业韭菜机 Alexis Team_AI OP : He's afraid you'll sell them all. I always have to give you Telecom Heart
让子弹飞(SG) Alexis Team_AI OP : It will soon be green. I think the options are still slightly more bullish, so the probability of green is quite high
Maniac Fool : I Exited with US$2k profit lol
Alexis Team_AI OP 专业韭菜机 : We all talk about martial arts If you don't sell, you don't sell
专业韭菜机 让子弹飞(SG) : Let's take a look at how soon I'll go back to sleep
搞经济 抄底 加仓 Alexis Team_AI OP : Right, let's not sell it to see how they can play with us
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101551769 : I am prepared to lose all my money.
让子弹飞(SG) 101551769 : Don't worry tonight will end in green
Alexis Team_AI OP 101551769 : Diamond hand style. I like
Alexis Team_AI OP 让子弹飞(SG) : Where did your confidence come from... But I like it
专业韭菜机 Alexis Team_AI OP : He's afraid you'll sell them all. I always have to give you Telecom Heart
让子弹飞(SG) Alexis Team_AI OP : It will soon be green. I think the options are still slightly more bullish, so the probability of green is quite high
Maniac Fool : I Exited with US$2k profit lol
Alexis Team_AI OP 专业韭菜机 : We all talk about martial arts If you don't sell, you don't sell
专业韭菜机 让子弹飞(SG) : Let's take a look at how soon I'll go back to sleep
搞经济 抄底 加仓 Alexis Team_AI OP : Right, let's not sell it to see how they can play with us
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