speculation central : Why
BruceLin8 : Washing dish
你家叶临阿 BruceLin8 : May I ask you how do you know that washing dishes is about to plummet? I haven't really understood it since I've played
长城巫师 OP 你家叶临阿 : I saw the top of the Bolin Middle Line and it's time to make a profit from shipping
小时代叶天 长城巫师 OP : That's right
wallstreetpyf00 : It needs to be sold if it continues to rise
生而韭菜 长城巫师 OP : Is this a timesharing chart?
长城巫师 OP 生而韭菜 : Day k
生而韭菜 长城巫师 OP : Thanks for the advice!
Forrest MA : Don't mess around, be very clear about why you're buying and why you're selling, not if others say sell, think independently
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speculation central : Why
BruceLin8 : Washing dish
你家叶临阿 BruceLin8 : May I ask you how do you know that washing dishes is about to plummet? I haven't really understood it since I've played
长城巫师 OP 你家叶临阿 : I saw the top of the Bolin Middle Line and it's time to make a profit from shipping
小时代叶天 长城巫师 OP : That's right
wallstreetpyf00 : It needs to be sold if it continues to rise
生而韭菜 长城巫师 OP : Is this a timesharing chart?
长城巫师 OP 生而韭菜 : Day k
生而韭菜 长城巫师 OP : Thanks for the advice!
Forrest MA : Don't mess around, be very clear about why you're buying and why you're selling, not if others say sell, think independently
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