ksbaby_ life : Same here
huatpotato : Same here but look kinda regret now? Is dropping lol
letsgoto_the_moon OP huatpotato : Nope haha I don't regret getting more AMC shares. Its gonna fly to the moon very very soon
102667462 letsgoto_the_moon OP : lol thats what people say months ago when it plunge from 7x to 3x. moon, squeeze where..just some fake bulltrap lol
letsgoto_the_moon OP 102667462 : Just because it hasn't happen yet, doesn't mean it's not gonna happen.
ksbaby_ life : Same here
huatpotato : Same here but look kinda regret now? Is dropping lol
letsgoto_the_moon OP huatpotato : Nope haha I don't regret getting more AMC shares. Its gonna fly to the moon very very soon
102667462 letsgoto_the_moon OP : lol thats what people say months ago when it plunge from 7x to 3x. moon, squeeze where..just some fake bulltrap lol
letsgoto_the_moon OP 102667462 : Just because it hasn't happen yet, doesn't mean it's not gonna happen.