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Based on WSJ (Wall Street Journal) - Target Price
BB* - 9.60/4.50USD - 1Share
NOK* - 5.90/8.32USD - 1Share
AAPL^ - 148.00/190.00USD
TSLA^^ - 680.00/1591.USD
* = Moomoo free shares.
^ = if you love Apple products.
^^ = if you believe Elon Musk wont die of CEO exhaustions.
(Please support WSJ - Wall Street Journal - by subscribing to their App share analyst target prices. Currently i can only afford to free google search WSJ.)
(I invest using what i called the 'WSJ model'. ID a good company using WSJ. Weekly check WSJ. By right. Can HODL - Hold On for Dear Life - once confirmed ID. Because successful business model. Each Quarter. Success beget more success. If you lose faith once to panic sell. Check that WSJ target price by "WSJ share analyst #symbol". To build determination faith to HODL.)
(I will be back into Moomoo shopping warchest. Once i save enough for 100Lots = 10.00USD x 10 = 100.00USD. If you do the maths. Buying 10Shares. With +14% returns a month = 10USD a month. Enough to cover initial transactions fees of 2.00USD. 1Share buying is not that profitable.)
RickPANDA OP : Correction. Moomoo Shopping Warchest. To buy 10Shares. 10.00USD x 10 = 100.00USD = 150.00SGD.