102319439 : NICE ONE BROO!!!!!
BuyLowSellHighTrader : 450 would be nicer
HenryShin : Why not $500?
Zerocool888 : Why not $10k since they have not return the borrowed shares.
Duke Leroy OP Zerocool888 : you missed another 0 at the end of your 10
Zerocool888 Duke Leroy OP : Hahahaha... this is for Sept only October Will Be 100k
Kevhuat : Who is Aslam?
102319439 Kevhuat : U cant c him
102319439 : NICE ONE BROO!!!!!
BuyLowSellHighTrader : 450 would be nicer
HenryShin : Why not $500?
Zerocool888 : Why not $10k since they have not return the borrowed shares.
Duke Leroy OP Zerocool888 : you missed another 0 at the end of your 10
Zerocool888 Duke Leroy OP : Hahahaha... this is for Sept only October Will Be 100k
Kevhuat : Who is Aslam?
102319439 Kevhuat : U cant c him