peoPPy : Continue hold. At least until dividends day. It should be bounce back some.
Dinosaur126 OP peoPPy : how does the dividend work? I'm new to stock market
peoPPy Dinosaur126 OP : Buy on or before 2021-10-13 to be eligible for dividend. 0.08 per share
Dinosaur126 OP peoPPy : thanks for this!
peoPPy : Continue hold. At least until dividends day. It should be bounce back some.
Dinosaur126 OP peoPPy : how does the dividend work? I'm new to stock market
peoPPy Dinosaur126 OP : Buy on or before 2021-10-13 to be eligible for dividend. 0.08 per share
Dinosaur126 OP peoPPy : thanks for this!