Fly to the Sky : I will do the same if I got extra cash
102512700 OP Fly to the Sky : Me too! I don’t think anyone should sell at this point.
Mrgarfield : The shorts have to be covering soon. Considering that 2 million shares were shorted at the open. Watching for a break for 13 dollars
102512700 OP Mrgarfield : Yes, looking forward to it!
102512700 OP Mrgarfield : How do u see the 2mil short btw? Thanks!
老Uncle : wow maybe its Holkkie or ATS secret buy?
headingtothemoon : Where to see this chart? Thanks
102512700 OP headingtothemoon : Can see at Order book. But Moomoo needs to subscribe..
headingtothemoon : Thanks.
headingtothemoon 102512700 OP : Thanks
Fly to the Sky : I will do the same if I got extra cash
102512700 OP Fly to the Sky : Me too! I don’t think anyone should sell at this point.![undefined [undefined]](
Mrgarfield : The shorts have to be covering soon. Considering that 2 million shares were shorted at the open. Watching for a break for 13 dollars
102512700 OP Mrgarfield : Yes, looking forward to it!
102512700 OP Mrgarfield : How do u see the 2mil short btw? Thanks!
老Uncle : wow maybe its Holkkie or ATS secret buy?![undefined [undefined]](
![undefined [undefined]](
headingtothemoon : Where to see this chart? Thanks
102512700 OP headingtothemoon : Can see at Order book. But Moomoo needs to subscribe..
headingtothemoon : Thanks.
headingtothemoon 102512700 OP : Thanks