Zerocool888 : Nope. Still ground zero as HFs have yet to return those borrowed shares. We are still refuelling as it’s a very long journey we need to reach PLANET APES!
101708900 : Why need to fly???? Every week total increase $5 will do.
St3v3n Chan : Yes, we are going too
Dagobart64 101708900 : like that , we reach the moon first and will wait for you to reach in a coffin.....
MindOverMatter 101708900 : Either way we're not losing money being hard headed like shorts lol
heron3839 101708900 : thats true..slow and steady
Zerocool888 : Nope. Still ground zero as HFs have yet to return those borrowed shares. We are still refuelling as it’s a very long journey we need to reach PLANET APES!
101708900 : Why need to fly???? Every week total increase $5 will do.
St3v3n Chan : Yes, we are going too
Dagobart64 101708900 : like that , we reach the moon first and will wait for you to reach in a coffin.....
MindOverMatter 101708900 : Either way we're not losing money being hard headed like shorts lol
heron3839 101708900 : thats true..slow and steady