Lao Beng Finance : the retailers doesn't affect the overall price. it's the market makers. they are shaking weak hands.
让子弹飞(SG) OP Lao Beng Finance : Thanks Shifu
Lao Beng Finance 让子弹飞(SG) OP : we are all learning together
bubbleberrygum Lao Beng Finance : And so why are the big investors doing that?
Lao Beng Finance bubbleberrygum : make you buy at higher price later so they can sell to u.
bubbleberrygum Lao Beng Finance : You mean they are shorting?
Lao Beng Finance : no. you do know they have multiple proxies right? they need to distribute amongst themselves.
Lao Beng Finance bubbleberrygum : easiest way, subscribe to my YouTube account. I do the analysis for you. haha
Lao Beng Finance : the retailers doesn't affect the overall price. it's the market makers. they are shaking weak hands.
让子弹飞(SG) OP Lao Beng Finance : Thanks Shifu
Lao Beng Finance 让子弹飞(SG) OP : we are all learning together
bubbleberrygum Lao Beng Finance : And so why are the big investors doing that?
Lao Beng Finance bubbleberrygum : make you buy at higher price later so they can sell to u.
bubbleberrygum Lao Beng Finance : You mean they are shorting?
Lao Beng Finance : no. you do know they have multiple proxies right? they need to distribute amongst themselves.
Lao Beng Finance bubbleberrygum : easiest way, subscribe to my YouTube account. I do the analysis for you. haha