jake Nho : Money is the fastest to make money, but the premise is to have enough principal and time
capper_ : Investment naturally requires costs. Think about how benefits are greater than costs.
mooster Han OP capper_ : The way to make the benefit outweigh the cost is as mentioned above
Skinbanana : Agree to what you mentioned. But the current Gen don't understand. They just want to take shortcuts and commit without doing any researches and hope for the best.
jake Nho : Money is the fastest to make money, but the premise is to have enough principal and time
capper_ : Investment naturally requires costs. Think about how benefits are greater than costs.
mooster Han OP capper_ : The way to make the benefit outweigh the cost is as mentioned above
Skinbanana : Agree to what you mentioned. But the current Gen don't understand. They just want to take shortcuts and commit without doing any researches and hope for the best.