$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$Good morningggggg Apes and Apettes!! It's a great day to hold AMC! I've been busy taking care of my husband's estate but I've been buying everyday since last Wednesday! My why I hold has changed a bit since his death, it was so he could retire early. Now it's so I have a huge estate to leave my kids and grandkids. LFG!
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Tanya C
lots of new names here! love to see it! Thank you guys, just like we fight for our stock, I fight to keep moving up. I believe in us both.
Not sure how to reply......um, sorry for your loss.......did you make sure the poison was untraceable? You seem almost giddy at his unfortunate passing. But it's going toward AMC so.......LFG
Ricky138 : stay strong....
Greenhorn : So sorry for your loss. I'm still hodling for you.
TheLostViking : We are all together in this. You've stretched your family into the ape world. We ape Strong. We go to moon
Tanya C OP : lots of new names here! love to see it! Thank you guys, just like we fight for our stock, I fight to keep moving up. I believe in us both.
71464218 : I'm sorry for your loss and praying for your family.

STD0825 : Not sure how to reply......um, sorry for your loss.......did you make sure the poison was untraceable? You seem almost giddy at his unfortunate passing. But it's going toward AMC so.......LFG
Coffee Drip : Sorry to hear and I send positive vibes for you and your family. Welcome back and yes LFG!!!!!
Tanya C OP Coffee Drip : good morning Dear, thank you
Coffee Drip Tanya C OP : Good morning!
and always!
Spider Ape : Sorry to hear the news.. stay strong... we apes will rocket and we can live better in our lifes... ohhhhh... brother....
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