Although I’ll turn gray 👵🏼 by the time Moomoo developers integrate option strategies, I feel obligated to my 1.2k followers to share something they can actually make money off, thus I’ll write about it anyway.
As you all know, the options decay every day. Therefore buying an option might be not the best strategy, as, unless the price of the underlying stock moves in the desired direction quickly and/or significantly, you will end up loosing money.
Kenneth-CJ : Thank you for sharing, "win-win" has appeared many times in your sharing, hope we can all do it!
finance_analyst OP Kenneth-CJ : Thank you. I hope others can benefit from it too
Pauletta Kelly : thank you I'm so happy to be able to apart of this great opportunity.
finance_analyst OP Pauletta Kelly : Thank you! Likewise!
Mike Hunt : Good stuff. Question about what the advantage is of a synthetic short stock options strategy of selling a call option and buying the same number of put options at the same strike price with both options in the same expiration cycle. What’s the advantage to doing that instead of just shorting 100 shares of the stock the normal way?
finance_analyst OP Mike Hunt : Capital used. 1 AAPL put (1 month out) is $465, 100 shares is $14,300
Mike Hunt finance_analyst OP : Duh. Thank you for pointing out the obvious that I was missing
finance_analyst OP Mike Hunt : No problem. Your example doesn’t make much sense to me thought as the upside is unprotected. Once the stock price goes up, your put becomes worthless, but you are still obligated to provide 100 shares of the underlying stock (by buying them from the market at the increases price).
Let’s use same AAPL example. So you buy $143 put (-$465) and sell $143 call (+$453).
One month later AAPL is at $150, your put is worthless and your loss is ($150-$143)*100+12=712
Brokerage shouldn’t let you place this transaction unless you have underlining shares as there can’t be cash collateral for unlimited risk
Mike Hunt finance_analyst OP : This is not a trade I would do. It’s one I’ve seen that is obviously institutional where the total of the 2 transactions is like 28 mil
Mike Hunt : I’m referring to lower on the page transaction
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