If it does it won't be enough.... If it drops it will be too far...... hahaha hahaha.... jkjk.... I have no idea.... I love the "will it go up" questions like the first one..... I am gonna start answering "kinda sorta maybe probably not "...... hahaha.... good luck out there all the same
DEADSEED1111 : Nope......... Next question.....
mehmehh DEADSEED1111 : will bbig go up today? lolol. since you open for question
DEADSEED1111 mehmehh : If it does it won't be enough.... If it drops it will be too far...... hahaha hahaha.... jkjk.... I have no idea.... I love the "will it go up" questions like the first one..... I am gonna start answering "kinda sorta maybe probably not "...... hahaha.... good luck out there all the same
喜o乐 : Go down
mehmehh DEADSEED1111 : hahhahaha! i will keep a lookout for all those you respond