James Tan57
Avg cost is at 5.04 which is 0.1 higher than current price, u think will go down lower? I think maybe hit high 4.8 is the lowest if it even go down from 4.91 which was last weeks lowest price
James Tan57
that's why I am saying average cost is 5.04 so people should be looking at realising at higher price rather than panic sell to cause the price to go lower
Stock Watch : 4.9 and 4.91 have strong support
MaxOon : The factory is already in production at 4.92, very cheap
James Tan57 : Avg cost is at 5.04 which is 0.1 higher than current price, u think will go down lower? I think maybe hit high 4.8 is the lowest if it even go down from 4.91 which was last weeks lowest price
102326790 James Tan57 : Oh how wrong is that
James Tan57 102326790 : please enlighten me as I am a newbie
102326790 : One thing for Sure if You could see the Market depth is how much people wanting to sell and they’re all at the 5.08-5.12 range.
James Tan57 102326790 : yes. this does not explain why the price will drop further.
James Tan57 102326790 : that's why I am saying average cost is 5.04 so people should be looking at realising at higher price rather than panic sell to cause the price to go lower
James Tan57 102326790 : this does not explain why I am wrong
102326790 James Tan57 : Alright, Im all wrong, hope you made money on it.