70514857 : The short-term estimate has fluctuated around $80. If the market is recovering, I hope it doesn't drop too much.
tinymonster87 : What happen
LeicesterM OP 70514857 : wow
LeicesterM OP tinymonster87 : always up down and up down
tinymonster87 : Just bought ;) let’s go
LeicesterM OP tinymonster87 : seriously
70514857 : The short-term estimate has fluctuated around $80. If the market is recovering, I hope it doesn't drop too much.
tinymonster87 : What happen
LeicesterM OP 70514857 : wow
LeicesterM OP tinymonster87 : always up down and up down
tinymonster87 : Just bought ;) let’s go
LeicesterM OP tinymonster87 : seriously