Wapapapow : follow
Stock Win : The trend of this stock is the same as Willmar, and it continues to move downward.
102858656 Stock Win : I'm holding both checks... plus Tuan Sing, losing money...
102858656 : Good result does not mean good price
ViviBaMa OP : hold for long investment?
102858656 ViviBaMa OP : No choice, got to hold long, average cost for Wilmar is 4.79, whilst average cost for Q&M is 0.6927. Sigh.........
Wapapapow : follow
Stock Win : The trend of this stock is the same as Willmar, and it continues to move downward.
102858656 Stock Win : I'm holding both checks... plus Tuan Sing, losing money...
102858656 : Good result does not mean good price
ViviBaMa OP : hold for long investment?
102858656 ViviBaMa OP : No choice, got to hold long, average cost for Wilmar is 4.79, whilst average cost for Q&M is 0.6927. Sigh.........