littlemissy00 : 100 sprt = 11.5 GREE
Moooooo888 : For my understanding, 1 GREE = 0.115 SPRT. Based on this calculation
MoonBoogie187 : 1 sprt equals .115 gree so roughly every 9 shares sprt you get 1 gree and cash equivalent to the fractional shares left over. also you will not lose value, example if you had 9 shares sprt at 10$ you would have 1 share gree at 90$
Phum Phakorn OP littlemissy00 : so the same same not usefull that right?
Leefh : 1 SPRT share convert to 0.115 GREE share
Phum Phakorn OP Moooooo888 : thank you guy
Phum Phakorn OP MoonBoogie187 : same same no need transfer need mor gain up up
littlemissy00 : 100 sprt = 11.5 GREE
Moooooo888 : For my understanding, 1 GREE = 0.115 SPRT. Based on this calculation
MoonBoogie187 : 1 sprt equals .115 gree so roughly every 9 shares sprt you get 1 gree and cash equivalent to the fractional shares left over. also you will not lose value, example if you had 9 shares sprt at 10$ you would have 1 share gree at 90$
Phum Phakorn OP littlemissy00 : so the same same not usefull that right?
Leefh : 1 SPRT share convert to 0.115 GREE share
Phum Phakorn OP Moooooo888 : thank you guy
Phum Phakorn OP MoonBoogie187 : same same no need transfer need mor gain up up