102376356 : Holding
102415025 : Actually should Sell yesterday And buy today
102415025 : You will get a better deal
Moonbase OP 102415025 : Shorties won this round big time. Sigh.....
102415025 : Yes I bite the bullet tO sell All my remaining. Although lost but at least last month winnings able to cover
102415025 : Lesson learnt don't be the last one to hold the baby.
102376356 : Holding
102415025 : Actually should Sell yesterday And buy today
102415025 : You will get a better deal
Moonbase OP 102415025 : Shorties won this round big time. Sigh.....
102415025 : Yes I bite the bullet tO sell All my remaining. Although lost but at least last month winnings able to cover
102415025 : Lesson learnt don't be the last one to hold the baby.