102680461 : before this, my market value is 177 based on last price but now becomes 91...almost 50% value disappear...
Stock Watch : same
ALL Stocks R a SCAM : No point in selling now. Hold till green or bust at this point.
102471346 OP : This is ridiculous. It’s 91 now and mine is 470 HAHAHHAHA
KBOON : Omggggg
102680461 : before this, my market value is 177 based on last price but now becomes 91...almost 50% value disappear...
Stock Watch : same
ALL Stocks R a SCAM : No point in selling now. Hold till green or bust at this point.
102471346 OP : This is ridiculous. It’s 91 now and mine is 470 HAHAHHAHA
KBOON : Omggggg