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Why did you start trading?
Views 944K Contents 511

Leveraging TIME ⏰

I first started trading because I think it is the most interesting thing in the world. I learned about trading and investing in college, and was immediately hooked. I constantly desire to be accurate in predicting or forecasting.

It is indeed very hard, and ultimately, success or failure depends 100% on myself. It is a modern version of treasure hunting, where I look for gems, and get a nice reward if I do it well.

There are ups and downs, but it's just so much fun to look for great businesses and opportunities.

The key motivation for trading is the “leverage” I can obtain. So, assuming I work at a job, spends 8 hours and get $X per hour. I cannot add any more value or expect any more money (unless it is a commission-based job).

However, trading allows me to leverage my capital and earn money without having to swap TIME for money!

Eg: I may buy $10,000 worth of stock and at the end of the month it is up 10%, so I make $1,000. In some cases, all I have to do is buy at the start of the month and then if it moves in my favour, I can then bank the gains. So for only a few hours of analysis and execution, I can make some good leverage on my precious TIME.

Next, I can then scale that trade activity. So when my capital allows, I may now have $50,000 on the position. Now my 10% gain is worth $5000 for the SAME amount of TIME and effort.

Not only is the stock market a great opportunity for leverage, and my strategies can be scaled up accordingly too. So what works on $10,000 can also work on $50,000 and more.

As I continue to trade, it feels great when my analysis and decision lead to a win. Clearly, my motivation is to get more of those great feelings.

I feel blessed to be able to leverage my SPARE TIME and capital while putting it into something that can be scaled. Thus, I wouldn’t change this for anything else in the world.

The other enticing part is that the rewards of trading can be extremely immediate.

Personally, I find trading a truly fascinating journey that will test me at every possible level - intellectually, financially and emotionally!!
“ Diligence is the Mother of Good Luck ” ~ Benjamin Franklin
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