71173200 OP : From today to next Tuesday might be Wednesday
PassiveIncome0723 : Hows the shorts status now?
weilin748 : Even if we get to 80, it's still not worth our money
102386670 : Rise to 200 then
NickSaSa : jiayou...faster CB
71477895 : when will the shorts have to cover? any idea
71173200 OP 71477895 : Depends on lenders requirement. Some will give them more days to return
71173200 OP : From today to next Tuesday might be Wednesday
PassiveIncome0723 : Hows the shorts status now?
weilin748 : Even if we get to 80, it's still not worth our money
102386670 : Rise to 200 then
NickSaSa : jiayou...faster CB
71477895 : when will the shorts have to cover? any idea
71173200 OP 71477895 : Depends on lenders requirement. Some will give them more days to return