bic mutney
If you were right, I would go all in Chinese stock. Now fact is many person down over 70% because of this American company stock SPRT, not Chinese Stock.
I don't buy mutual funds, or related ETF, they have power to short and manipulate price for some extent, I cannot. So barely i mean retailor investors.
71173200 : No one want to touch chinese stock unless who's trapped in it
bic mutney OP : chinese stock gonna -80% like $ (SPRT.US)$ $Greenidge Generation (GREE.US)$ good short
Cherie2008 : Come on, SPRT was American company stock! GREE is also American company stock
Cherie2008 bic mutney OP : If you were right, I would go all in Chinese stock. Now fact is many person down over 70% because of this American company stock SPRT, not Chinese Stock.
bic mutney OP Cherie2008 : go all in on margin then
沉思的张飞 71173200 : Maybe the fund manager doesn't agree with you!
71173200 沉思的张飞 : I don't buy mutual funds, or related ETF, they have power to short and manipulate price for some extent, I cannot. So barely i mean retailor investors.
71173200 沉思的张飞 : HF doing naked short, will you?