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Co-Wise: How do you pick a stock?
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How to pick a stock, the O.P. way

Stock picking is a process that has many moving parts but I've found the most success using recommendations from a certain group of "Fools" to do the fundamental heavy lifting for me then thru much trial and error both paper account and with real cash money I've found the technical indicators that give me a good entry point. Also selling puts at strike prices I don't mind paying at a future date far enough out to make the premium a nice discount is an alternative to technical signals. Collect n buy if in the money or collect and repeat until in the money then buy and sell covered calls to keep the cash coming in. I believe I'm describing the wheel technique. It's kind of a no brainer if you are able to maintain good discipline and risk management. That is probably the most repeated, beat the horse like it's a cat with 9 lives investment advice and for good reason. Discipline as in a solid entry and exit plan and the will power to stick to the plan and risk management such that said plan doesn't risk too much on any single investment. Companies with positive cash flow are attractive for a reason so having your own cash flow available is important as a retail investor as well. Just my opinion, hope you all gleaned something useful from this ol' salt dawg. Aloha!
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