Lionfinisher OP : Lowest 36.29
101552907 : How much lower can it go
mrbanana 101552907 : can be lower seems a lot of negative sentiments to china company
mrbanana 101592986 : i have no doubt in nio :) but if you are looking for entry to buy more i think there is high chance it will go lower…
trulysg 101592986 : the internet never forgets!
trulysg mrbanana : this guy got no backbone one
mrbanana trulysg : hahaha u dont know what is q3 and q4
Lionfinisher OP : Lowest 36.29
101552907 : How much lower can it go
mrbanana 101552907 : can be lower seems a lot of negative sentiments to china company
mrbanana 101592986 : i have no doubt in nio :) but if you are looking for entry to buy more i think there is high chance it will go lower…
trulysg 101592986 : the internet never forgets!
trulysg mrbanana : this guy got no backbone one
mrbanana trulysg : hahaha u dont know what is q3 and q4