Wood's Ark bought roughly 770,000 shares of Boston-based DraftKings on Wednesday across two exchange-traded funds. Those buys follow a rush of retail investors who snatched up $44 million worth of shares on Tuesday and added another $11 million Wednesday. DraftKings shares surged as much as 2.3% out of the gate Thursday.
102891829 : Good
OKAYIPULLUP : jpm said this, jpm said that. whatever, they tend to be wrong anyway
moneyworkhard OKAYIPULLUP : Own assessment is d best
Investing with moomoo moneyworkhard : I agree
Iwanttolive moneyworkhard : Yes
PawPawApE OKAYIPULLUP : Buy the dip works for me.
THEWIZARD : jpm can "say" whatever .
ET Elly :
Ryan Hg : Haha, jpm don't have to pay a price if they are wrong. But if they are right, they become a sudden hero. It's like buying jackpot