-- 412.380 NVDA
-- 147.220 PLTR
-- 78.980 AAPL
-- 223.660 TEM
Tempus AI
-- 54.840 What's target price and how to use them?
Target price measure the expected performance of a stock during a given time period. Investment firms and analysts often use ratings to provide a stock recommendations to general public.
Analysts conclude the rating and target price after completing comprehensive research on companies’ financial statements, communicating customer and executives , and all other forms of research.
102723415 : Good
Greenbird : So we know what’s the average but when will it drop or increase or is there any indication ? Oct is coming and everyone says there will be adjustment coming soon ….
Options Newsman OP Greenbird : Hello Greenbird, thanks for the comment! We would keep updating info in our column to make it more meaningful to investors who concern about the ratings. However, what we cannot provide is a prediction of future stock movement.