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How much do you think the moon is worth?

$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
Apes, realistically speaking, much as I am holding for 100k and more, how much do you think the moon is worth to you? Would you sell at 1k for the moon or the moon is worth the risk of a 100k chance? I just wonder how many of us would be brave enough to hold for 100k when the price is 10k. Just musing on a weekend.
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  • 不要装B : i am not greedy. 1k i can let go...😀😀

  • DarkLeviathan : Minimum is 100k, One thing is being really greedy like the Hedge funds (must take every single penny)  and another is just making a decent amount for all Of us

  • Flaming Deals 不要装B : Huh only 1k??? Come on at least 10k

  • GOOBERHAG : It’s up to us. I will sell on the way down

  • pennypincher : everyone has a different option of life changing wealth and everyone of them will probably change their mind and take a lesser amount as they see the real money in their profit margin.

  • Savage1 : Well That is an extremely valid question and something I have thought about more and more about the last few months , when i originally got into AMC I was all in!! AMC 500k, AMC1Mill, floors but the more i invest and start looking at facts and just the overall market AnD the way things trend its very very hard for me to say 100k or 500k with complete conviction… that isnt to say I don’t Believe its “possible” but to imagine watching this go from the $40’s to 100 up and up i mean imagine seeing the share price at 875… i mean even with a couple hundred shares that is more money thaN people have ever seen never mind the fact that just by a button push that money is into there brokerage account and finally there money.. I plan to watch all SI, CTB, loans on share, etc. So with thAt being said I Do not and never will discourage anyone from holding on for dear life and watching it rise to tremendous heights as we all deserve for the last 10 months almost of manipulation and complete illEgal behavior happening .. but I will be looking at $1000-5000. , 7000-10,000, 12,000-20,000 and so on , with the understanding that the more that is sold on the way up is the lesser chance of it hitting all time highs .. everyone says ill ride it to 1mill or 0 but in reality nobody caN say for sure what will happen when there money is in front of them on there screen sitting in there brokerage account.. I Wish all the best of luck and hope everyone gets every dollar that they deserve . $AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ to the moon and god bless all the apes and what we have accomplished thus far and hopefully much more to come and cReating a fair market structure foR all apes and retail investors

  • Wannabemillionaire OP UR2EZ : UR2EZ I too did a spreadsheet.  I wonder how I discipline I will be when the prices go North or South after North.  But one thing is for sure.  I won't sell at 1k.  I am prepared to lose all my capital on this and not lose a chance to change my family's life.  Losing the capital will not result in my family losing our home but winning certainly will change our home 🏠.  Jiayou to all Apes.

  • Wannabemillionaire OP GOOBERHAG : interesting strategy

  • Wannabemillionaire OP Savage1 : Savage1, you hit the nail on the head and I couldn't have said it better.  To achieve 100k a share and more it requires every APE to hold and not even get weak at 10k, 20k, even 90k.  How many can resist at 90k and say hey it's a more than I can ever make a life time and I will take it.  I cannot even say I will not let go at that price.  so realistically speaking,. 100k is a great story so is 500k but I seriously doubt we will ever get there because everyone has their point where they cannot handle the inducement.  I really hope we can achieve the 100k but we are not HF where they are organized and they follow the instructions of one head.  Plus it's not like they are playing with their money so the emotional ties are lesser IMO.

  • Wannabemillionaire OP GOOBERHAG : Interesting strategy

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