An example of the misuse of statistics can be found in large scale energy policy reforms being driven by the apparent need to lower world temperatures by 1.5 degrees in 30 years.Sounds pretty noble right?But what if the data sets being used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s computer models are flawed? What if vast swaths of data sets and higher astrophysical variables shaping climate change are being overlooked in the effort to transform mass behavior in accord with a technocratic elite?What if the experts deciding which data sets used by climate models are consciously or unconsciously ignoring all data which disproves the conclusions built into their models, as Michael Mann’s now infamously fraudulent hockey stick chart demonstrates? What if increased cooling in Antarctica is ignored while increasingly CO2 detectors near active CO2-spewing volcanic zones like Mauna Loa are kept active? Can this data still be trusted? What about the 2009 and 2011 leaked emails from East Anglia climate scientists that shape all IPCC models demonstrated a vast coverup of data to justify apocalyptic outcomes for political agendas?What if a closer inspection of CO2:Temperature relationship actually ends up showing that climate change does not follow but is rather followed by CO2 variability? What other factors cause the heating or cooling of the earth other than carbon dioxide? How could we ever find out if we are told the question isn’t worth asking because the scientific debate is over?While contemplating these matters, the question should always emerge:Who would benefit by all this sleight of hand? Who would want humanity to falsely adopt fearful and self-loathing states of mind in order to drastically alter its behavior?Could feelings of mass-fear and shame possibly render humankind more pliable and perhaps more inclined to acquiesce to a Great Reset and Green Central Bankers’ dictatorship?As Bill Gates’ favorite book How to Lie with Statistics (1954) makes clear: “a well-wrapped statistic is better than Hitler’s Big Lie; it misleads, yet it cannot be pinned on you.”Since statistics and evidence-based thinking are the bedrocks of Behaviorism, and since the Behaviorists of the Obama era are consolidating their power under Biden.
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : Elites believe It isn’t “empires” or “oligarchs striving to enslave humanity” which are the causes of humanity’s problems.
The enemy of man is in fact man himself.
And for this unfortunate “fact”, it is the duty of the elite to save mankind from himself.
If that means cleansing society of its traditional values that have deluded him into believing in such notions as Family, Nation, God, Progress or Soul. In his vicious tautology, the behaviorist high priest concludes that these ideas must be cleansed- for if they were not destroyed, then humanity would forever resist a return to feudalism under a scientific dictatorship.
And their plan is right on schedule.
Feral kid : It looks like sea levels are not raising in Martha’s Vineyard.
Feral kid :
韭菜63號 : $Root Inc (ROOT.US)$Is there room for him to rise?
Bernard With Bacon : Is financing good or bad?
nosajekcol2 : Seems like they do a pretty terrible job hiding all of this of its pretty common knowledge. Earth will be engulfed by the sun in one billion years and everything that ever happened here won’t matter cause earth will be gone lol So did anything ever really even happen? Karl Sagan’s fear Is accurate. We shouldn’t be aFraid of aliens visiting..we should be afraid of the more likely scenario That they have visited and found Deemed there to be no intelligent life on earth and left. Just monkeys fighting on a rock instead of WorRying about how to get off this dumb Rock cause Who cares about global warming when your sun Is halfway through its life.
10 年之约定 Bernard With Bacon : Whether it's good or bad, it's all just one of the tools used for investment
However, it is recommended not to use investment tools you are not familiar with. After all, investment risk comes from things you are not familiar with
evilpoptarttt Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : You come out with these random sayings, or sound thoughts perhaps I should say...
Always has struck me as right on the money. No pun intended.
Surely, it is man himself that brings self to the dirt. If not, then at least continuously until a grave is made that he cannot get out of. Then he suddenly has 100 others in the same grave! Thousands. Millions.
There are ways out of this cycle or 'curse' of man... it takes our normal way of destruction into a completely new form of ourselves, but it is too much for humans to even bother to seek such relief... Especially when the word God involves this solace.
Alas, we are too greedy. Too involved in self. Too corrupt to even bother to maintain a sane society as a whole. We want control. Power.
Man worships man.
While the Creator longs to get us out of this curse;
This only happens when man worships Creator.
Now, I don't of know what your core values/beliefs are, 'Tupack', but I at the very least see a sense of morality and discernment that is unique besides others.
As Rome was destroyed within its own infrastructure by greed, corrupt politics, "Individualism", the philosophy of man instead of the philosophy of Who created man, and many other INTERNAL factors...
So too, do I see America headed in a similar direction. Today we see blatant wrongdoings while doing nothing about it. Like accepting 6 evil laws because the face of the 7th looks appealing, or "moral".
Evil has become good and good has become evil.
I don't need to ramble on within the subject of man.
The deeper I go into what I believe the further away most people set themselves.
I know where I belong though, and that is within a family more precious than gold.
Anyways, just wanted you to know that I enjoy reading your views and whatnot.
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Feral kid : They only report what they want you to see. That’s why news is 99% doom and gloom. People in fear want protection and can be ordered what to do. If news was 50/50 good/bad there would be too much independence and freedom
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP 韭菜63號 : I bought 2000 shares yesterday
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