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Terms and conditions has no integrity

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Terms and conditions has no integrity
Terms and conditions has no integrity
Terms and conditions has no integrity
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  • pcwSg : indeed... in Season 2 the T&C changed suddenly and i got disqualified last minute too...
    maybe they didnt think through the details of the competition properly and can see many operating mishaps too...

    but to be fair, i am sure the transition from S2 to S3 was immediately on 1st Sep 0001...
    seems they made a small blunder this time for transition into S4

    maybe it is because of the long national holiday in China or maybe they lost interest in putting in effort for this competition since the prize money is so big yet the hype has died down and marketing effect is minimal...

  • pcwSg : seems your biggest concern is whether they will take the end record at 0000 or 0400...
    guess have to wait for the official announcement of S3 results after their holidays to find out...

  • 102246756 OP pcwSg : Did they provide reasons why u were disqualified ?

  • pcwSg 102246756 OP : because i was one of the top 3 winners in Season 1...
    the T&C didnt say about winning limit...
    in the last week of Season 2, they added to the T&C that top 3 winners reach a limit and dont qualify for future seasons... then got disqualified

  • 102246756 OP pcwSg : No wonder suddenly ur ID disappear for no reason, but i dun recall seeing that particular T&C anywhere. I only found this; the rules as per attached screenshot below means if we were to reach max limit per prize category, we cannot win future prizes for all remaining seasons.
    Since 1st, 2nd, 3rd are unique without duplication, anyone that wins them in the Beginning seasons will not be eligible for ANY prizes in the future. However, as the max qty for USD80, USD50, USD10 per prize category [ ignoring placements ] are more than 1pc, according to their nonsense rules, we could win 1 of each of those in any sequence PER season without exceeding max prize category limit then proceed to win top 3 during the final season. Technically that is still correct isnt it ?

  • 102246756 OP pcwSg : My concern are two fold:

    1 - Their rules state event runtime is from USA Eastern Time 0930-1600hrs Mon-Fri which corresponds to 2130-0400hrs Singapore time, therefore the system should be based on Full intraday market trading hrs as per previous S1 & S2, not cut off anyhow suddenly at 0000hrs SGT without prior notice or warning. Are they going to compensate or makeup those deserving participants whose closing market values at 0400hrs SGT lets their portfolio jump placement within top 100 ? And how about those lucky fellas who clearly dont deserve it, get better prizes simply because organiser decides to play punk ?  Where is the fair play ? If there is no integrity in their words or conditions or terms anywhere, do u think they wouldnt pull the rug on our funds if there is market turbulence ? Since their rules mean nothing to them or us ? In fact some of us are suspecting the time was cutoff suddenly so that participants close to them can benefit from the prizes

    2 - Same logic goes for S4, if they claim the rules start from 0000hrs SGT onwards, then damn well they can run a concurrent S4 without stopping S3 isnt it ? To say its China national holiday does not make sense, are they so broke or incapable that they do not have coders or set the event to run, start, stop automatically without human intervention ? C'mon, any Singapore poly or even secondary student  can easily code a Python program to do the same thing easily nowadays. If they tell u its due to holiday its simply pushing the problem to another day so that u will forget and not pursue the issue lah

    Mainland companies all behave the same way, Different problems but same taichi tactics. All come from the same playbook. Limpeh pui [undefined]

  • pcwSg 102246756 OP : yep, correct, can win any of the other prizes without hitting limit, and only win top 3 in later seasons
    this whole section was not in the T&C, only added midway through Season 2... which obviously is purely to prevent me from winning multiple times [undefined][undefined]
    slightly greedy of me to want to win in consecutive seasons but more capital to trade is always good

  • pcwSg 102246756 OP : actually the T&C is in SGT and it should cut off S3 at 12 midnight immediately and start S4...
    at least that was what happened at end of S2...
    didnt join S3 nor try to join S4 so i am not sure about what exactly happened during the transition...
    slight confused... so to clear it up... did the same transition happen at 12 midnight? or did it happen at 12 noon the next day?
    (i assumed it was mistakenly set as 12 noon the next day instead of intended 12 midnight but actually dont know and need to know what really happened there.)
    if it happened at 12 midnight, then it is as intended because end of S2 was the same, while end of S1 was on a non-trading day so it didnt happen.

  • 102246756 OP pcwSg : My S2 + S3 screenshots below:
    S2 ー Aug31 Tue - From SGT 2130hrs To Sep01 Wed SGT 0400hrs - still possible to paper trading and portfolio does update itself dynamically
    S3 ー Sep01 Wed 0000-0400hrs - I recall it was possible to click "Join", the interface shown additional S3 while showing S2 in the paper trading dropdown box, but system will prompt something like "event has not started" if attempt to paper trading is done
    S3 ー Sep01 Wed only started from SGT 2130hrs for active trading
    As for SGT 0000hrs portfolio cutoff screwup, it only happened during this S3 > S4 for the 1st time

  • pcwSg 102246756 OP : oic, for S3 start i was not aware because i didnt try to join S3 at all.
    but last day of S2 i am sure i couldnt make new orders right after 2359hrs midnight, can modify old orders and old orders still got filled but cannot add new orders.
    but ending the competition at 2359hrs midnight is their intention for sure and in line with T&C.
    they also wanted to start the next season immediately and seems the system couldnt finish all the tasks properly until next trading day.
    so actually the T&C means they should use the score at 2359 on last trading day as official results... not an issue in S1, so they only need to be consistant about it and follow exactly what cut off they used in S2 (correct cutoff would be 2359 and should never use 0400)
    the start is already consistant since it always skips the half trading day at start of 1st calender day.

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